
Should Your Business Transfer to the Next Generation?

NorthBridge Business Advisors

Should Your Business Transfer to the Next Generation? I was speaking to an accountant earlier this week about a possible business transfer of his client’s business to the next generation. He said that he was working with a couple who owned and operated a nice company. Both the husband and wife had operating roles in…

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Preparation is Critical in Selling a Business

NorthBridge Business Advisors

Preparation is Critical in Selling a Business Recently I was on a call with a representative of a private equity firm advising intermediaries and exit planners, such as myself, how their private equity firm looks at acquiring businesses. When buying a business, they are looking to work with the current management and employees and see…

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Words Have Power

NorthBridge Business Advisors

Words Have Power Words have power. We have all heard this saying in different contexts. This week I heard a discussion about the COVID -19 vaccine roll out and whether we need to have a “vaccine passport” to be allowed to enter certain places. Regardless, what you think on this topic, one commentator said that…

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THE IMPORTANCE OF A CONCISE SELLING MEMORANDUM To increase the seller’s chance of a satisfactory sale of a business, it is critical that his or her team present the business in a concise, professional manner. I recently had an instance where a solid business was poorly presented to a potential buyer. In this instance, I…

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